
Former Parent Evening Courses

Welcome to Former Parent Evening Courses at Latymer Upper School!

Developed and run by former parents for former parents 8 years ago, our evening courses have been thoughtfully crafted to provide a unique and tailored learning experience.

Our classes are taught by some of Latymer’s most experienced and popular teachers, who bring expertise and passion to each lesson. With an emphasis on learning in a relaxed environment at school without the pressure of homework!

Subjects for 2024 include:

Parents’ Evening History class
‘The British Empire Unexamined’ Part 1:  Acquisition.


'The British Empire Unexamined' Part 1: Acquisition.

This is the first of a three part series.  These five lessons will examine how the British Empire emerged in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries.

It will look at key questions, such as the distinctiveness of British approaches to colonialism, the role of slavery in the development of British capitalism,  the extraordinary activities of the East India Company, the growth of the settler Empire and the ‘scramble for Africa’.  But the best news is that there is NO examination at the end.

As we expect demand to be high, Jonathan White, Head of History, has kindly agreed to teach the same 5 week course on two evenings:

Monday 19 February – Monday 18 March 2024 or
Wednesday 21 February – Wednesday 20 March 2024.

Gather from 6.30pm in the staff common room to meet your classmates over for a pre-drink.  Classes are at 7-8.30pm.

To give everyone an equal chance, the 52 places ( 26 per session) will go to the first 52 people who email former parent, Gay Search, after  7.30pm on Monday 8 January at stating your preferred evening. (Mon, Wed or Either)

The cost of the course is  £125 ( to include wine) , with all profits divided between the LUS Bursary Fund and The  Christian White Memorial Fund for research into brain cancer .

Course 2 - To be Announced

Details & Sign up link

Sign Up

Course 3 - To be Announced

Details & Sign up link

Sign Up

If you would like to register for an evening course, please contact Gay Search, parent of Dan (2004) and Nathan (2008), at Courses fill up quickly and places are allocated on a first come, first serve basis.