
Partnership programmes Saturday School

Fun-based lessons are taught to Year 6 students to prepare for secondary school

Saturday School was launched in 1995 as an opportunity for pupils in Year 6 from local primary schools to experience both familiar and new subjects in a senior school environment. Our goal is for students to have a positive and confidence-boosting experience of secondary school during the Spring Term before they start at their chosen schools the following autumn.

Students who took part in Saturday School completed a survey and told us how they felt about the programme:

Saturday School Student survey results


had fun and enjoyed themselves


had made new friends from other schools


learned new skills and information


now felt more happy and confident about going to secondary school

Generously supported by a Latymerian donor and taught by Latymer Upper School staff, lessons are fun, lively and entirely free to attend. Teachers are supported by volunteers from our Sixth Form and Year 10, and lessons cover a vast array of subjects including Art, Health & Nutrition, French, German, Spanish, Philosophy, History, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Maths and English.

Participating children can be of all abilities; head teachers are asked to select those pupils who may benefit the most, with a particular priority for those eligible for Pupil Premium.

“These sessions have really improved the confidence of our students who attended and a survey we completed showed that 100% of the children enjoyed the experience and thought that they were now able to do things other students in their class could not.

Robin Yeats, Deputy Head – Greenside Primary

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