
Upper School Bursaries

The aim of our annual Bursaries Appeal is to raise enough money to provide at least five new free places at Latymer Upper School each year, for talented and promising young people, who otherwise would not have the financial means to attend.

Over the years we have had hundreds of generous supporters contribute to our appeal, raising over £47m since 2014 and allowing us to provide free places to many young children. However, we continue to see the number of applications for financial support increase each year and have seen record numbers for the past two years.

We need your help to continue to provide young people with access to a first class education, otherwise out of their reach.

Your gift will go wholly and directly to funding bursaries, and there are many ways in which you can support:

  • You can join the hundreds of people donating to the Bursaries Appeal by making a one-off gift, of any size.
  • You can set up a regular monthly or annual gift. Regular giving is hugely important to us as it allows us to plan with greater financial certainty. Regular gifts can start from just £5 per month.
  • Any donors who give £2,024* or more each year will join our Leadership List and are invited to an exclusive annual reception hosted by the Head and receive priority booking for some of our most popular events. £2,024 can be given as a single gift, multiple smaller gifts, or as a result of regular giving.

*£2,024 is a reference to the year 2024, where the Latymer Foundation will be celebrating its 400th anniversary.

Bursary holders’ stories:

“Attending the school, and all the experiences that come along with it, has had such a huge impact on who I am today. Latymer has set me up and given me the confidence to believe I can achieve whatever I set my mind to. I have made friends for life at this school and become the person I wanted to be. I owe the Latymer Foundation Bursary all of this.”

Francesca, Class of 2021

"It would not be an exaggeration to say that my bursary completely changed my life. I was made aware of possibilities and what I could achieve, having those choices at Latymer made me realise I could do so many things with my life. The teachers, and the environment in general, opened my eyes to what could be achieved"

Kaine, Class of 2015

“Latymer’s greatest gift to me was the leisure to find my own way, and to so readily support me in following it when I had found it. It is thus my happiness to depart that most testifies to all I have been given while here: I know that I am where I was meant to be, and it is Latymer – it is you – that have helped me become so.”

Marko, Class of 2022

"Latymer was a formative experience for me. I was very fortunate to be exposed to the best education there, even if only for two years of sixth form. They put me miles ahead.”

Camila, Class of 2010

"My years at Latymer have meant everything to me. Latymer was my entire life for the 7 years, and has given me too much to list in a sentence; a good education, social and life skills, fantastic teachers as well as extra-curricular and academic opportunities galore."

Kieran, Class of 2014

We rely on gifts of all sizes to ensure our doors stay open for children from all backgrounds. Please give what you can and help us change a young person’s life.

Donate online Or via BACS transfer:

Latymer Foundation at Hammersmith

Account Number: 41408993

Sort Code: 60-50-06

Branch: NatWest, King Street, London, W6 0QD

Swift Code: NWBKGB2L

IBAN: GB36 NWBK 60500641408993

Reference: include your initials and surname

If you would like to chat about the Bursaries Appeal please get in touch with Verity:

Verity Mynors

Fundraising Officer

Named Bursaries

In recognition of the support from a number of key members and groups within the Latymer community, four bursaries have been created in their names.

Each of these bursaries supports our overarching bursary programme and our desire to offer free places to as many young people as possible.

You can donate to each of these bursaries directly using the buttons in the sections below.

David Goodhew Bursary

This 11+ bursary aims to mark the lasting impact that David Goodhew’s leadership has had on our school and our students. David left Latymer at the end of the 2022-23 academic year after a decade as our Head.

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US Latymerian Bursary

The US Latymerian Council is a group of America-based alumni. They fundraise for the US Latymerian Bursary, which funds each recipient for two years in Sixth Form at Latymer Upper School.

Currently, they are raising funds for the seventh US Latymerian Bursary (formerly known as the USFOL Bursary). Gifts to this appeal are welcome from all members of the Latymer community.

In 2024, the sixth US Latymerian Bursary recipient graduated from Latymer, and has taken up a place at the London School of Economics. Without the 100% fee remission this bursary offers, she would not have had the support and opportunity to take up her hard-won place.

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The Donate button above will take you to the British Schools and Universities Foundation page, an organisation which enables tax-effective giving in the US.

If you prefer to donate from a British account, click the Find Out More button above.

Robert Orme Bursary

Robert Orme encapsulates the Latymer spirit, instilling in his pupils an inquiring mind and an intellectual approach to his two specialist subjects – history and cricket.

In honour of his influence on the Latymer community, this bursary was founded in his name. The Robert Orme bursary helps to widen access to History of Art by providing a dedicated Sixth form bursary for a gifted student in the local area who wishes to study History of Art at A level. 

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Alan Rickman Bursary

When Alan Rickman (Class of 1964) tragically passed away, we created a bursary in his honour.

Hearing the sad news of his death, the Latymer community rallied round, considering how best to commemorate this wonderful Latymerian. It was decided that a bursary in his name is something that Alan would have approved of. We continue to receive gifts not just from the Latymer community, but from his thousands of fans around the world who were heartbroken by the loss.

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Graham Bearman Bursary

Following the passing of Graham Bearman, former Head of History,  we have created the Graham Bearman Sixth Form Bursary to support a student studying politics or history, to honour Graham’s remarkable legacy.

Graham, a Latymer legend, joined our community in 1963 and dedicated 43 years to teaching Latymerians until his retirement in 2006. Graham’s passion for history and politics, along with his love for rugby and cricket and his genuine care for his students, made him one of our most inspiring and influential teachers.

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