
Legacy Giving

The Latymer Foundation was founded in 1624 by a single act of philanthropy, when Edward Latymer left a provision in his will for the education ofeight poore boyes of Hammersmith’.

As we celebrate our 400th Anniversary, we hope that legacy gifts can continue to secure the future of Latymer’s bursary programme. Since this first gift, we have endeavoured to uphold Edward Latymer’s wishes and keep our gates open to students of all financial backgrounds. This September, we are able to offer bursary support to 1 in 4 students across the Upper School, thanks in large part to the vital contribution of legacy gifts from our community.

Gifts large and small are welcomed, whether a specified sum or a percentage of your estate.

I know the power that education can have in helping those unable to afford the quality of education that is on offer. If I can do a small amount to help the school toward its objective of needs-blind admission, then it is a privilege to do so.

Marwan Mikdadi (Class of 1991), Legator

What truly sets Latymer apart is its commitment to providing opportunities for all. By supporting Latymer, you are not only investing in the education of young minds but also contributing to the legacy of inclusivity and opportunity that defines our institution.

Joan Chandler, Former Parent and Principal of the Prep, Legator

Why include Latymer in your will?

Legacy giving is a powerful way to support an organisation close to your heart.

There are many reasons to include Latymer in your will, whether you were at the school as a student, a parent of a Latymerian or a member of staff. Many of our alumni state that their time at Latymer was seminal, both to those who were here as a bursary student or a beneficiary of the Direct Grant scheme of the 1940-70s, and those attended by their own means. A legacy gift is a meaningful way to mark your connection with the school and ensure that you are part of Latymer’s future.

Our community is what makes Latymer unique, and by recognising us in your will, you can help ensure that bright young people are able to share in the collective memory of Latymer and the opportunities that a Latymer education can bring.

How to leave a legacy gift

Leaving a gift in your will couldn’t be easier. It can be changed during your lifetime, and can be structured to provide support to Latymer after all of your other financial obligations have been fulfilled.

There are a number of different types of legacies which can make a real difference to the future of the Latymer Foundation. We encourage you to discuss with a solicitor which type would best suit your circumstances.

When including Latymer in your will, we ask that you recognise us as ‘The Latymer Foundation at Hammersmith’ and include our registered charity number (312714).

Residuary bequest

A residuary legacy is the whole, or a percentage share, of everything that you own (i.e. your ‘estate’), once all gifts, debts, taxes and costs associated with it have been deducted. The benefit of residuary legacies is that the value is not affected by inflation as there is no fixed sum.

Pecuniary bequest

This is a gift of a fixed sum of money. These types of legacies can often be affected by inflation and their value may decrease over time from when the will was originally made. It is, however, possible for the amount to be increased in line with inflation in order to safeguard the value of your gift. You should consult a solicitor and/ or accountant about index-linking your bequest.

Legacy giving and inheritance tax

The Latymer Foundation is a charity (Charity No: 312714) and any gift made to us is therefore exempt from UK Inheritance Tax and Capital Gains Tax. With current rules, if you leave 10% or more of your net estate to a UK charity, you can reduce the Inheritance Tax on the rest of your ‘net estate’ from 40% to 36%.

Below is an example, correct as of March 2024,  for a UK resident with an estate of £425,000.  Please do visit the HMRC website or speak to your solicitor for more detailed information. 

UK resident with an estate of £425,000 
Gross Estate £425,000  £425,000 
Inheritance Tax Allowance  £325,000 £325,000
Net Estate to be taxed £100,000 £90,000
Inheritance Tax to pay 40% = £40,000 36% = £32,400
Donation to charity £0 £10,000
Estate available for distribution £385,000 £382,600 plus £10,000 to charity = £392,600


1624 Society

By letting us know that you will include Latymer in your will, you become a member of the 1624 Society. The Society enables us to recognise and celebrate those who choose to leave a legacy gift, and members are invited to an annual reception hosted by James Graham, the President of the 1624 Society and the Head. Watch this space for our next annual tea and other events exclusive to 1624 Society members.

Membership of the 1624 Society Over the Years




Interested in learning more?

Megan Bruns

Director of Development

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